"Salami Bites are currently out of stock and will be temporarily replaced with Chorizo Bites."
A traditional South Africa air dried beef snack
Due to the current stock depletion of products, these items are expected to be shipped in 4weeks.
Italian dry cured and fermented sausage of the gods.
Spanish style dry cured sausage great for cheese boards
It's a delicious traditional South African meat snack that is prepared by using beef and flavoured with South African spices like coriander and then air dried to perfection.
Spicy biltong sticks.
"Due to the current stock depletion of products, these items are expected to be shipped in 4weeks"
When you want to share a good mood, this gift set is just perfect. It includes crackers, cheese, and meat. This combination made from premium ingredients is perfect for food enthusiasts. It's ready for you to enjoy a delicious time with friends or family. Create special moments with this gift!
Name : SOA
ADDRESS 전북 남원시 하갈치길 20 (갈치동, 가공공장부속건물)
PHONE NUMBER 010 9502 0111
CEO 김앤디
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 3515247296623 김 앤디 서아
ONLINE SALES NUMBER 제 2021- 전북남원 - 0073 호
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